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Etiket: Voting

For the first time in Colombia’s history, a Black woman is close to the top of the executive branch. Francia Márquez, an environmental activist ...
20.06.2022 02:09
One candidate is Gustavo Petro, a former rebel and longtime senator who is making a bid to become Colombia’s first-ever leftist president ...
20.06.2022 02:09
Uno de los candidatos es Gustavo Petro, un exguerrillero y senador con una larga trayectoria que durante mucho tiempo ha tratado de convertirse ...
20.06.2022 02:09
The two candidates competing to become Colombia’s next president — Gustavo Petro, a leftist and a former insurgent, and Rodolfo Hernández, a ...
19.06.2022 23:56
When Colombia chooses its next president on Sunday, the pivotal election will represent a blow to the country’s dominant political force as ...
19.06.2022 22:53
Colombia’s peace accord, signed in 2016 by the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, was supposed to usher in a new ...
19.06.2022 20:38
Se suponía que el acuerdo de paz de Colombia, firmado en 2016 por el gobierno y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, o FARC, sería el ...
19.06.2022 20:38
The marquee races on Tuesday are taking place in South Carolina, where two Republican House members are facing Trump-backed challengers, and in ...
14.06.2022 14:41
Midway through the 2022 primary season, many Democratic lawmakers and party officials are venting their frustrations with President Biden’s ...
11.06.2022 13:58
LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s moment of reckoning has arrived at last. After months of speculation and scandal that have soured his ...
07.06.2022 09:57
A large and loud youth electorate hungry to transform one of Latin America’s most unequal societies could propel Gustavo Petro, a former rebel ...
26.05.2022 12:28