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Etiket: Soviet Union

Critics of the move say it will hand Putin a propaganda victory. Local authorities describe the monument as a painful reminder of the Soviet occupation.
02.12.2022 14:28
Monuments erected during Soviet rule are currently at the centre of an intense debate in Latvia. That is despite a recent law that was ...
10.11.2022 19:17
What should be the fate of monuments that glorify the Soviet regime located in Latvia? That's the big debate currently gripping the Baltic nation ...
10.11.2022 16:11
Poland has dismantled four communist-era monuments as part of a renewed effort to emphasise its disapproval of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The ...
27.10.2022 19:12
Hundreds of mourners lined up Saturday to pay tribute to the eighth and final Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, lauded in the West for helping ...
03.09.2022 12:40
The death of Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and final president of the Soviet Union, has sparked renewed reflection about a key period in ...
03.09.2022 10:09
WASHINGTON — There have been two surreal visitations in Washington that left people quivering with excitement. The first was seven decades ago ...
02.09.2022 04:52
Mikhail Gorbachev, addressing the U.N. General Assembly in 1988.Credit...Bill Foley/Getty ImagesPutin reacts to Gorbachev’s death After Mikhail ...
01.09.2022 07:53
Back in the old Soviet Union, the political joke was the principal underground conduit of political opinion. One that made the rounds soon after ...
01.09.2022 00:09
Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union's last leader, has died aged 91. Best known for the extraordinary reforms that led to the end of the Cold War ...
31.08.2022 03:07
I was 6 when the Soviet Union broke up. I had no idea at the time that the person most responsible for the overwhelming changes transforming my ...
31.08.2022 01:52