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Etiket: Referendum

Slovenians have voted to prevent the government from appointing people to public television and news organisations. More than 62% of voters gave ...
28.11.2022 14:44
The UK Supreme Court has ruled that Scotland's parliament can't organise its own independence referendum. Wednesday's decision was unanimous. It ...
25.11.2022 12:05
The UK Supreme Court has ruled that Scotland's parliament can't organise its own independence referendum. Wednesday's decision was unanimous. It ...
23.11.2022 21:12
The recent so-called referendums and annexation of Ukrainian territories were celebrated in Russia and condemned by the world. Euronews asked ...
03.10.2022 11:30
Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to stage a ceremony in an ornate Kremlin hall to proclaim Russia's rule over around 15% of Ukraine, the ...
30.09.2022 13:58
Bosnian Serb nationalist firebrand Milorad Dodik says he respects Vladimir Putin and backs so-called "referendums" in occupied Ukraine on joining ...
30.09.2022 12:39
1. Western leaders deplore 'sham' referendum results Ukraine and its western allies have again slammed Russian-led referendums to annex parts of ...
28.09.2022 16:27
According to an early count, up to 98% of voters have said yes to joining Russia in the four Moscow-occupied areas of Ukraine, Russian state ...
27.09.2022 19:54
1. Fears that occupied Ukrainians could be enlisted in 'mobilisation' Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has slammed Russia's reservist ...
27.09.2022 14:42
The Swiss have voted by an extremely narrow margin In a referendum to raise the retirement age for women from 64 to 65. The result of Sunday's ...
26.09.2022 22:09
Voters in Switzerland have rejected a referendum motion that would have put an end to factory farming in the country. Almost two-thirds of those ...
26.09.2022 00:09