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Etiket: Prison

Two correction officers and a captain failed to act for at least ten minutes when a mentally ill man slit his throat with a razor at the Rikers ...
31.08.2022 05:07
EDINBURG, Texas — Rashes from heat are common. Metal furniture is hot to the touch. Hyperthermia and dehydration are a constant risk, mitigated ...
26.08.2022 13:55
Myanmar’s military regime has arrested a former British ambassador and her Burmese husband, charging them both with violating immigration law ...
25.08.2022 14:55
What is art supposed to do? One could argue that the question itself is something of a trick, as it assumes that art is meant to do anything ...
18.08.2022 17:25
SHELTON, Wash. — During my first decade in prison, I busied myself with exercising and hanging out in the big yard. I hardly grew as a person ...
17.08.2022 14:55
Twelve people have died after being held in New York City’s troubled jail system this year, even as officials have rushed to implement reforms to ...
16.08.2022 02:07
Ricardo Cruciani, a doctor found guilty last month of having sexually assaulted several of his patients, was found dead of a suspected suicide at ...
15.08.2022 19:37
Myanmar’s ousted civilian leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, is kept by herself in a prison cell measuring about 200 square feet. Daytime temperatures ...
15.08.2022 13:58
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Nobody was home at the dusty brown campus of the reintegration center for recovering Islamic extremists. The swimming pool ...
13.08.2022 23:37
DURA, West Bank — In the Israeli prison where Kayed al-Fasfos spent nine months without charge or trial, a handwritten book hidden from the ...
11.08.2022 20:23
WHEN THE INTERDISCIPLINARY artist Maria Gaspar was 12 years old, her teachers took her to jail. It was the early 1990s, in the era of Scared ...
11.08.2022 18:00