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Etiket: Parks

At exactly 8 o’clock the call went out. “Tennis time!” This is what players hear every weekend, every hour on the hour between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m ...
27.08.2022 23:37
As temperatures climbed into the high 80s on a sunny afternoon this week, dozens of people trying to cool off at the public pool in McCarren Park ...
27.08.2022 15:39
The Loeb Boathouse in Central Park, an iconic restaurant and venue that has appeared in a number of film classics and has drawn New York tourists ...
22.07.2022 01:22
As temperatures in Queens climbed into the 90s, Rockaway Beach was closed on Tuesday afternoon for swimming because of shark sightings, officials ...
20.07.2022 01:22
There was always something to do at the red brick park house with the big inviting archways. Children huddled around chess and checker boards ...
15.07.2022 15:55
Pamela Council set a deadline and said a prayer. It had been nearly seven months since the artist’s monument to survivors of the pandemic first ...
11.07.2022 16:24
An endangered gem of lush greenery in Abidjan, Ivory Coast’s economic hub, is at the center of government efforts to promote ecotourism. Those ...
10.07.2022 22:53
While a number of cities are canceling Fourth of July fireworks this year because of staff and supply shortages, among other reasons, New York ...
02.07.2022 15:55
Before the Civil War, a predominantly Black community flourished in Seneca Village, on the land that is now Central Park. On Sunday, as part of a ...
20.06.2022 01:23
With just weeks to go before the state budget deadline, a powerful assortment of New Jersey politicians introduced an expansive new bill tied to ...
17.06.2022 16:13
I get it: Fire Island is historic and means so much (to some people) that it has its own new rom-com. I know some gay people who think its ...
16.06.2022 15:58