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Etiket: Jobs

Michal Veselý, Chief Marketing Officer at JIC business hub tells Euronews how a former textile city became the Czech Republic's beating heart of innovation.
07.02.2023 21:02
Cities across France were brought to a near stand-still again in the latest strikes over pension reforms planned by President Macron's administration
31.01.2023 18:38
Euronews explores how the success of the JIC business hub helped reinvent Brno from a former textile city, into an innovation ecosystem
30.01.2023 18:22
Some employees claim they were were forced to work up to 16 hours per day in Deloitte, PwC, EY and KPMG.
24.01.2023 08:36
Steve Jobs'ın kızı Eve Jobs, eski erkek arkadaşı Drew Taggart'ın Selena Gomez'le birlikte olduğuna dair çıkan söylentilerden sonra Instagram hesabını kapattı.
18.01.2023 14:54
A European project has developed a method with patients, companies and caregivers for people who want to go back to work and have a long-term illness.
16.01.2023 18:08
As Albania's youth travels abroad in search of a better life, their departure risks draining the economic lifeblood out of the country.
12.01.2023 18:08
Rail workers are striking for better wages and working conditions in several European countries.
23.12.2022 18:06
In the UK it’s the Royal Mail postal workers who are the latest to go on strike as the country faces a wave of industrial action. The strikers want their pay to rise with inflation, which is now at eleven point one percent.
10.12.2022 00:03
The job cuts would equate to a reduction of almost 45% of Swyftx's total workforce.
05.12.2022 10:45
2011 yılında hayatını kaybettiğinde Steve Jobs’ın hâlâ Apple ile ilgili hayalleri ve yapacağı çok şey vardı. Teknoloji dünyasının büyük bir kaybı ...
19.11.2022 15:40