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Etiket: Housing

Feeling the cold in the UK? This data on European housing stock explains why.
10.12.2022 11:12
Click on the slide show to see this week’s featured properties: In Pleasantville, N.Y.: a four-bedroom, four-bath, 4,137-square-foot house built ...
08.09.2022 19:43
Lot size is important — the more acreage, the merrier. Why be pressed up against your neighbors if you can avoid it? To get an idea of which ...
08.09.2022 19:43
BEIJING — Wealthy and powerful entrepreneurs in China were once idolized by the public, doted on by the government and courted by foreign ...
08.09.2022 18:43
What You Get for $2.5 Million 24 Photos View Slide Show › Rifton, N.Y. | $2.495 Million A converted stone church built in 1876, with four ...
08.09.2022 01:18
“The garden starts orange,” Kathleen Gagan was saying the other day, sounding as if she were talking about a summertime bed of daylilies or ...
08.09.2022 01:18
A Historic Hotel Between Glasgow and Edinburgh $1.73 MILLION (1.5 MILLION BRITISH POUNDS) Built in the 16th century and rebuilt 300 years later ...
08.09.2022 01:17
Many New Yorkers may not know where — or even what — Hudson Square is. But that is likely to change when thousands of employees of Google and ...
08.09.2022 01:17
In the town of Fairfield, Conn., nearly 2,400 residents have signed a petition opposing a project proposed for downtown that could bring 19 units ...
05.09.2022 16:56
Do you really need a long rug in your hallway? Not necessarily. Bare floors are fine for getting from A to B. But a runner can make the journey ...
05.09.2022 16:56
Q: My large, rent-stabilized building in New York City has been encased in scaffolding with a sidewalk shed for over four years. Many of the ...
05.09.2022 16:55