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Etiket: heat wave;heat dome

EDINBURG, Texas — Rashes from heat are common. Metal furniture is hot to the touch. Hyperthermia and dehydration are a constant risk, mitigated ...
26.08.2022 13:55
KARNAL, India — Inside a shed in the northern Indian state of Haryana, the sound of flutes floated softly from loudspeakers. The audience ...
24.08.2022 12:38
Around 8 p.m. on a hot Thursday in July, Nicholas Gubell, a driver for UPS, was nearing the end of his route on Long Island when he started to ...
22.08.2022 02:53
Faced with China’s most searing heat wave in six decades, factories in the country’s southwest are being forced to close. A severe drought has ...
18.08.2022 13:26
Last weekend, I made a classic summer running mistake. I hit the snooze button. I really wanted just one more hour of sleep, and the heat surely ...
14.08.2022 14:53
LONDON — The British government was expected to declare a drought for parts of England on Friday as the country endured another day of hot, dry ...
12.08.2022 14:41
PARIS — France is burning. Throughout the country, and for the second time in less than a month, dozens of square miles of parched forest have ...
11.08.2022 18:38
ASHLAND, Ore. — Smoke from a raging wildfire in California prompted the Oregon Shakespeare Festival to cancel a recent performance of “The ...
11.08.2022 12:43
LONDON — Weeks after recording its highest-ever temperature, Britain was preparing for another unsettling stretch of hot weather, as officials ...
09.08.2022 16:30
Turn on the evening news and it immediately becomes clear that Americans are experiencing the effects of climate change. Extreme heat and drought ...
06.08.2022 04:22
PARIS — France declared Friday that it was in the grip of its “most severe” drought, one that has also desiccated large areas of Europe this ...
05.08.2022 19:54