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Etiket: Game Of Thrones

Ünlü tarihçi, çevresini saran hayranlarını kırmayarak fotoğraf da çektirdi ve ekrandaki tarih dizilerini değerlendirdi. Ortaylı, tarih dizilerini ...
07.11.2022 07:52
Europe’s record-smashing heatwave has given those of us who live in the global north a sobering look at what’s ahead. It’s removed any basis for ...
16.09.2022 11:11
Comparisons between HBO’s “House of the Dragon” and Amazon’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” — both new epic fantasies, both prequel ...
05.09.2022 17:25
In HBO’s new hit show “House of the Dragon,” the dragons are bigger, scalier and fire-breathier than they ever were in the network’s culture ...
03.09.2022 20:12
This interview includes spoilers for the first two episodes of “House of the Dragon.” Legendary explorer, naval commander, lord of a noble house ...
29.08.2022 17:24
Season 1, Episode 2: ‘The Rogue Prince’ A couple of centuries in Westeros’s future, in the same garden (I think) where King Viserys went on a ...
29.08.2022 16:26
It’s tempting to read the new characters in HBO’s “House of the Dragon” through a “Game of Thrones” lens, to see the dragon-riding princess ...
25.08.2022 20:08
Game of Thrones'tan sonra merakla beklenen House of the Dragon HBO ile ekranlara geldi. Fenomen hale gelen Game of Thrones'un devamı niteliği ...
23.08.2022 12:25
Season 1, Episode 1: ‘The Heirs of the Dragon’ So where were we? Oh, right: Sitting on our sofas trying to make the phrase “King Bran” make ...
22.08.2022 16:09
HBO’nun uzun süredir beklenen yapımlarından House of the Dragon, en sonunda dün gece yayına girdi. HBO Max platformunda yayınlanan ve Game of ...
22.08.2022 12:02
A few years ago, Miguel Sapochnik thought he was done with “Game of Thrones.” “I’m unfortunately caught on tape on the very last day of shooting ...
19.08.2022 19:42