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Etiket: Fish

From a ‘voracious eel’ to a cute batfish, these are the strange inhabitants of the ocean floor near the Cocos Keeling islands.
29.11.2022 12:07
Invasive species are becoming a global concern. In the last 20 years, the number of non-native species in European waters has increased to almost ...
22.11.2022 20:42
In a race against time to save the rarest fish in Europe, a team of environmentalists and experts are developing a sanctuary for the asprete, a ...
20.10.2022 12:58
Residents by the San Francisco Bay in California are left puzzled as to why a school of dead fish carcasses are washing up ashore. Experts are ...
02.09.2022 19:25
Lab rats have rights. Before researchers in the United States can experiment on the animals, they need approval from committees that ensure they ...
27.08.2022 14:55
A scuba diver was fined 12,000 Canadian dollars for swimming too close to a group of killer whales, a threatened species, in British Columbia two ...
25.08.2022 22:07
OSLO — Era otro buen día para Freya, la morsa de casi 600 kilos bautizada así en honor de la diosa nórdica del amor, la belleza y la guerra. La ...
20.08.2022 16:38
OSLO — It was another good day for Freya, the 1,300-pound walrus named for the Norse goddess of love, beauty and war, who had become a beloved ...
19.08.2022 22:07
WASHINGTON — After decades of legal fighting over hydroelectric dams that have contributed to the depletion of salmon populations in the Pacific ...
15.08.2022 22:08
In the wild, is a human more likely to survive an encounter with an orca or a great white shark? — Kameryn F., Yardley, Pa. By the numbers, white ...
15.08.2022 14:55
Norway has warned that it may have to kill a walrus named Freya out of concern that the 1,300-pound animal could harm the delighted onlookers who ...
12.08.2022 18:40