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Etiket: Discrimination

Dr. Roy Tan remembers the fear of being a gay man in Singapore in the 1980s and 1990s. Having consensual sex with another man was punishable by ...
30.08.2022 12:26
LONDON — Edward Enninful, the editor of British Vogue, gave me a list of friends to contact for this article. It’s a very impressive list, I told ...
29.08.2022 16:44
The Association of Social Work Boards administers tests typically required for the licensure of social workers. Apparently, this amounts to a ...
29.08.2022 00:09
A Brigham Young University fan was banned and a women’s volleyball game on Saturday was moved to a different location after a Duke University ...
28.08.2022 06:22
Erin Brown, a teacher in St. Johns County, Fla., typically keeps a gay pride flag hanging up in her classroom. As the faculty sponsor of a Gay ...
27.08.2022 14:25
A California bill that would restrict the use of rap lyrics and other creative works as evidence in criminal proceedings has unanimously passed ...
26.08.2022 16:25
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has apologized to Sacheen Littlefeather, an Apache and Yaqui actress and activist who was booed ...
16.08.2022 20:24
In the past few weeks, most Muslims I know, including me, have felt a growing sense of dread about the news of the killings of four Muslims since ...
16.08.2022 13:58
Dozens of Black retired N.F.L. players will now be eligible for payouts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from the league’s billion-dollar ...
13.08.2022 00:12
WASHINGTON — A $4 billion program to help Black and other “socially disadvantaged” farmers that never got off the ground last year amid legal ...
12.08.2022 12:41