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Etiket: Cold War

No world leader has a bigger place in the history of the late 20th century than Mikhail Gorbachev, for the pivotal role he played in the peaceful ...
06.09.2022 13:56
Thousands of Russians traveled to Moscow on Saturday to pay their final respects to Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, who was viewed ...
03.09.2022 11:26
WASHINGTON — There have been two surreal visitations in Washington that left people quivering with excitement. The first was seven decades ago ...
02.09.2022 04:52
WASHINGTON — For his first four years in office, President Ronald Reagan had a tough time forging any kind of relationship with his counterparts ...
01.09.2022 03:52
Back in the old Soviet Union, the political joke was the principal underground conduit of political opinion. One that made the rounds soon after ...
01.09.2022 00:09
PARIS — Mikhail S. Gorbachev believed the Soviet Union could be preserved without recourse to violence. This proved to be a misunderstanding of ...
31.08.2022 23:37
The day that Russia invaded Ukraine, Feb. 24, the legacy of Mikhail S. Gorbachev loomed over President Vladimir V. Putin’s predawn speech. “The ...
31.08.2022 13:26
For his first four years in office, President Ronald Reagan had a tough time forging any kind of relationship with his counterparts in the Soviet ...
31.08.2022 04:22
For nearly three decades after he stepped down as the leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev remained a potent voice in geopolitics ...
31.08.2022 02:37
Mijaíl S. Gorbachov, cuyo ascenso al poder en la Unión Soviética puso en marcha una serie de cambios revolucionarios que transformaron el mapa de ...
31.08.2022 01:07
Mikhail S. Gorbachev, whose rise to power in the Soviet Union set in motion a series of revolutionary changes that transformed the map of Europe ...
31.08.2022 00:08