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Etiket: Chile

There have been fresh street clashes in several cities across Chile, as the country marks the third anniversary of massive protests against the ...
19.10.2022 13:42
Chileans overwhelmingly rejected a new progressive constitution to replace its dictatorship-era charter, dealing a blow to youthful President ...
05.09.2022 12:41
SANTIAGO — Durante los últimos tres años, los chilenos han luchado por trazar un nuevo rumbo para su país con una nueva Constitución, escrita ...
05.09.2022 04:52
SANTIAGO, Chile — For the past three years, Chileans have fought over a new path forward for their country in the form of a Constitution, written ...
05.09.2022 03:37
In Europe, natural gas costs about 10 times as much as it did a year ago.Credit...Hannibal Hanschke/ReutersEurope tries to protect its economy ...
05.09.2022 01:10
SANTIAGO, Chile — El domingo, los votantes de Chile podrían transformar a uno de los países más conservadores de América Latina en una de las ...
03.09.2022 22:24
SANTIAGO, Chile — Voters in Chile on Sunday could transform what has long been one of Latin America’s most conservative countries into one of the ...
03.09.2022 21:40
SANTIAGO, Chile — Writing a new Constitution strikes many Americans as a transgressive idea. Our Constitution is the oldest in the world, and it ...
03.09.2022 01:52
TEMUCO, Chile — El pueblo mapuche rechazó a los invasores incas. También se defendieron de los colonizadores españoles. Y, siglos después, siguen ...
02.09.2022 15:39
TEMUCO, Chile — The Mapuche people beat back Inca invaders. They fended off Spanish colonizers. And centuries later, they have continued to wage ...
02.09.2022 12:24
Thousands of people demonstrated in the centre of Chile's capital Santiago on Saturday to demand the right to decent housing and to express their ...
21.08.2022 15:11