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Etiket: Cancel Culture

Historical parallels often spring to mind when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In the brutality and megalomania of Vladimir Putin, many ...
10.04.2022 15:23
Like other conservative professors who are advocates for free speech on campus, I once opposed efforts to create a classroom climate in which ...
07.04.2022 14:56
Friday is the anniversary of Scott Joplin’s death in 1917. The story of this Black master of the ragtime genre can seem like one that never got ...
30.03.2022 04:37
Beyond Ukraine, President Vladimir V. Putin is also fighting cultural battles. In a speech on Friday from the nondescript, beige-walled office in ...
26.03.2022 00:53
One important reason to study history as a social critic or political observer is that it can help you see continuities across time, the ways ...
13.03.2022 02:52
This article is part of the Debatable newsletter. You can sign up here to receive it on Wednesdays. A specter is haunting Russia — the specter of ...
10.03.2022 05:22
Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, a four-time N.F.L. most valuable player, has agreed to remain with the team, concluding his yearlong ...
08.03.2022 23:40
Each week, I seek out the office hours of a philosophy department professor willing to discuss with me complex ethical questions raised by her ...
07.03.2022 15:00
Former Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo emerged from his self-imposed exile on Sunday, using his first public appearance in more than six months to cast ...
07.03.2022 00:38
When the writers Marjorie Ingall and Susan McCarthy started the blog SorryWatch a decade ago, they were told, repeatedly, that “apologies were ...
01.03.2022 02:08
In the shadow of the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, Fontbonne Hall Academy in Brooklyn has not been hit by the forces of cultural change quite as ...
11.02.2022 18:54