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Etiket: battery

Lithium - the main component of most electric batteries - can be costly to mine. But researchers have made a breakthrough with alternative ‘molten salt’ batteries.
14.12.2022 11:16
As concern over climate change and the need for clean energy sees an increasing number of people switch to electric cars, these vehicles are fast gaining a larger market share. But some experts are asking how green the batteries that run them really are?
06.12.2022 02:01
Dutch students have invented a zero-emissions car that captures carbon as it drives. "This car was made with the goal to minimise the CO2 emitted ...
16.09.2022 10:13
While the market for solar and wind energy sources is growing, transitioning to renewables at home isn’t easy. What happens when the sun goes in ...
31.08.2022 15:11
Solar energy stored in ‘sand batteries’ could help get Finns through the long cold winter, which is set to be even tougher after Russia stopped ...
10.07.2022 10:10
A water battery capable of storing electricity equivalent to 400,000 electric car batteries will begin operating in Switzerland next week. The ...
01.07.2022 10:27
An Australian recycling company is turning old batteries into fertiliser for crops, in an effort to stop them from ending up in landfill. Around ...
11.02.2022 23:09
Last week, Serbian environmental protesters were successful in getting plans to allow Rio Tinto to mine one of Europe's largest lithium deposits ...
22.12.2021 16:43